Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cititul ca o vacanta

Mi-e dor de starea de lectura si de luxul de a ma cufunda in pagini ca intr-o vacanta, fara 'urechi ciulite' si fire strans conectate - pana la refuz - la Real. Ma simt prizoniera intre scoartele unui tratat de teorii economice, intre statistici si cifre, visand numai la 'vacantele' romanesti de pe vremea lecturilor ....obligatorii (nenumarate, acaparatoare) din facultate.

Reading as a holiday. I miss that privileged state - of both tranquillity and excitement - favouring the pleasure of reading and that feeling of luxury. I wish to forget this current state of permanent alert and being wired to the ‘real world’ as in a suffocating net. I feel prisoner into a sort of science book, between figures and statistics, while dreaming at the ‘holidays’ of my long, consuming … former compulsory readings.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I've discovered a sort of serenity in accepting rejection, slammed doors , injustice. Could this be wisdom or just our ability of habituating?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I'm in the quest of the sunny land.... beyond or above
or behind the unbreakable screen of one's limited power of choice...

And yet, we have the ultimate right to say 'no' and go into the UNKNOWN...