Sunday, April 21, 2013

De-Centring Cultural Studies

Cuprins si Introducere 

De-Centring Cultural Studies: Past, Present and Future of Popular Culture, Editors: José Igor Prieto-Arranz, Patricia Bastida-Rodríguez, Caterina Calafat-Ripoll, Marta Fernández-Morales and Cristina Suárez-Gómez, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013 

"The academic resistance that cultural studies has encountered remains especially visible in Eastern and Southern European countries. One such example is Spain, where cultural studies is seen at best as an emergent research field. Hence the interest of this volume, conceived in Spain by an all-Spanish editorial team and written by a diverse range of authors who prove that, in spite of all difficulties, cultural studies continues to bloom – even in Southern and Eastern Europe.The different chapters offer interdisciplinary insights into a wide selection of cultural materials whose relevance goes well beyond purely aesthetic issues. Altogether, the volume (1) provides interesting theoretical reflections on the subtle (yet arbitrary) borders between popular and canonical culture; (2) explores how the popular culture of yesteryear has influenced and inspired later “canonical” cultural materials; and (3) studies how the reception of, and representation in, popular culture can be accounted for from the crucially relevant perspectives of gender and age.This collection of essays studies and explores the connections between a wide range of materials, including relevant examples of classic and contemporary literature, Arthuriana, pop music and videos, political and mainstream film, newspaper advertising, television, and the phenomenon of the (trans)media star."


Cuprins si Introducere

„Studiul de caz propus de Corneliu Pintilescu, prin amplitudinea cercetării, prin nuanţele tematice şi discursive aduce un suflu proapăt în literatura istorică dedicată comunismului românesc. Textul are o anvergură interdisciplinară, demonstrând o bună cunoaştere a conceptelor, procedurilor şi instituţiilor juridice şi poliţieneşti, care au funcţionat în epocă. Vinovăţia politică este probabil conceptul cel mai bine ilustrat pe parcursul excursului realizat de dl. Pintilescu. Duşmanul de clasă, celălalt din perspectivă ideologică este suprins în multiple ipostaze, generos documentate din materialul arhivistic, în diferitele momente ale anchetei şi procesului penal. Bine documentat, harnic şi stăruitor în eforturile sale, autorul reuşeşte să creioneze o frescă de epocă ce are în centrul său metamorfozele sistemului juridic din România primului deceniu comunist.”
Conf. Univ. dr. Virgiliu Ţârău